

My creative journey started early in my youth. I recall enjoying pastels and pens whilst everyone else played as a child. Since that time I have kept a sketchbook journaling the places I've been to and the places I'd like to see. After the birth of my first child I realised the need to create was only growing stronger and I threw myself into a journey of discovery which has taken many interesting twists and turns. 

I am inspired by many master artists from the past including J.S. Sargent and J. Sorolla, as well as contemporary painters such as Michael Klein, Kathleen Speranza and Jimena Agra, to name just a few. 

My dreams are to bring a sense of place, light, movement to each of my paintings, to put something of myself into each one. I believe that art should invoke in us a strong emotional connection which draws us in and captures our attention.

Please enjoy browsing through the artwork on this site and thank you for being here.

I'd love to hear from you! 

Follow me on Instagram @sayanidrurystudio